Expert level Excel proficiency becomes more necessary in today’s workplace. This advanced level course covers working with advanced functions like table lookup and text functions. Learners will tackle analyzing data, importing and exporting data and connecting to an Access database. Creating and working with pivot tables plus working with macros in this course builds Excel expertise to succeed. Take your Excel skills to the next level! Includes a comprehensive participant booklet!
Item: 48544
Fee: $159.00
Instructor: Jan Winter
Capacity Remaining: 13
Dates: 11/5/2024 - 11/7/2024
Times: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Sessions: 2
Days: Tu Th
Building: Economic & Workforce Development Center
Room: Computer Lab 2
This class may take place remotely, via Zoom, and will be communicated 7-10 days PRIOR to the start of class.
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