Corporate College: Professional Development

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Interviewing, Selection and Retention   

How do you ensure you are hiring and retaining the right people in the right jobs? Participants in this workshop will develop your interviewing skills to effectively interview, select and match the best employees for the jobs available. Skills developed include how to define the “job-to-be-filled” in behavioral competency terms that clarifies the goals, needs and expectations of a “new” employee. Learn how to prepare for the interview with such things as: planning the environment, candidate matrix criteria, interview flow, questions to ask and the unlawful ones to avoid.

Participants will learn how to assess competencies in candidates by developing and using a variety of questioning techniques, such as:

  • behavioral, situational and wild card questions
  • Practice interviewing skills and sharpen techniques during role play activities
  • Includes a comprehensive workbook and many practical takeaways you can apply immediately!

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