Corporate College: Professional Development

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Revitalizing Your Healthcare Team   

Is your team getting the results it has set out to achieve? Does your team make decisions quickly and efficiently? Is your team effective, with all team members supporting decisions, taking responsibility for action items and meeting deadlines? Often times team members will describe meetings as boring and inefficient. They will describe decisions that are never made or are left hanging in the air. Agenda items continue to appear, over and over again. Action items may be overlooked and deadlines are not met. Accountability suffers as does the morale of the team. If you can identify with any of these issues, learn how to identify possible dysfunctions and implement strategies to turn your health care team around. Learn how to identify if your team is stagnant. Learn about team dynamics and our individual behaviors that support or undermine team performance and effectiveness. Understand what factors exist in the successful team. Determine if dysfunctions exist within your team. Learn strategies to develop and inspire your team to deliver.


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