Corporate College: Professional Development

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Smart Selling 2015: Professional Sales for Advanced Manufacturing; Business to Business Selling   

Staying out in front today takes more than just being a good sales person. It requires the skills of a real professional.

Monroe Community College and Worldleaders have developed a partnership to prepare you for a challenging and rewarding career in sales. This hands-on course will go beyond theory and provide individuals with skills and strategies they need to successfully execute the sales process and establish and manage long lasting customer relationships. The course will provide salespeople a jump start into successful selling while helping to fine-tune their selling skills.

If you're up for the challenge, this course is designed to develop your skills from prospecting to closing sales. It is unique in the fact that it is taught from the perspective of industry experts and you'll spend these sessions learning the principles and theories behind Smart selling process. You'll practice these principles in group workshops and complete online sales exercises to support the correct sales habits between sessions.

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