Corporate College: Professional Development

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Introduction to Leading Ourselves through Mindfulness   

This course is designed for leaders and managers interested in exploring a powerful and innovative tool called Mindfulness in the Workplace. This tool provides many benefits, including: improved performance, better problem solving, and heightened emotional intelligence for all who practice.

Mindfulness, paying attention to the present, is developed using modern centering techniques (a.k.a. mindfulness meditation) validated by over two decades of research, providing over 75 measurable benefits. Other scientifically validated benefits of regular mindfulness mediation significant for leaders include enhanced focus; improved ability to function effectively under stress; better decision making in the moment; heightened creativity and reduced emotional reactivity.

Attendees will have the opportunity to explore mindfulness meditation and receive first-hand experience for viable workplace applications.

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For inquiries, please call 585.685.6004 to get information regarding future classes.

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