Corporate College: Professional Development

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Transformational Leadership   

Leadership is a skill to be developed. We move from Leadership Self-Awareness to Self-Management and then to Self-Mastery. Understanding what motivates and drives us illuminates insight to our behaviors, stressors, conflict, comfort and anxiety zones.

The Actualized Leader Profile (ALP) assessment tool is used in this session and provides insight into your unique leadership style, conscious and subconscious Motivational needs, and Shadow fears (Fear of Failure, Rejection or Betrayal) as well as strategies to effectively manage your Shadow, thus leading fearlessly.

The direct impact of leadership style on work group culture is explored and plans for creating a Dynamic Culture covered in detail. The on-line ALP Assessment is required 3 business days before workshop (results of the ALP are confidential to each participant). 4hrs.


• Goals & Objectives

• ALP – Exploring Critical Concepts

• ALP Dashboard

• Shadow Spreadsheets

• ALP Applied – Case Study

• Point of View Exercise

• Leadership Attributes & Working Relationships

• Golden Nuggets

• Resources

• Evaluation


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