Corporate College: Professional Development

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Launch Your Business! Certificate Series   

MCC Economic & Workforce Development Center has developed an entrepreneurship training series that provides learners with 20 hours of instruction covering the basics of starting one’s own business. Included is a limited license to use the software tool LivePlan. The series is offered in four modules plus an introductory session:

Meet Your Mentors – Discover LivePlan: introductory session provides matching of start-up or scale-up business with mentors from SCORE. A comprehensive program overview and pathway to funding competition shared. A demonstration and walk-through of the LivePlan software concludes this session.

Developing a Business Plan: provides the essentials for creating a business plan for eventual presentation to potential investors. Topics include concept testing, determining profit goals and required sales volume, comparisons to industry averages, competitive comparisons, work flow analysis, equipment required, square footage required, job descriptions, development of employee policies, and corporate identity graphics. Course outcomes include initiation of a business plan and timetable for completion and a launch plan.

Understanding Small Business Finance: offers a user friendly, high level, and fun approach to the three essential financial statements necessary to run any business: the balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and cash flow projection. Upon completion of this course, students are able to describe the components and methodology for each report.

Developing a Marketing Plan: helps students determine how they are going to sell their product or service in the marketplace. This course guides students to answer numerous questions related to consumer behavior, including identifying the target audience, crafting a marketing message, determining which channels to use to disseminate the message to consumers, and deciding how to charge for the product or service. Additionally, students will also learn the basics of how to grow their business in a competitive environment.

Launch Your Business Simulation: offers practicum experience with mentor support to analyze a case study of small business (theirs), prepare for presentations to peers, and SCORE leaders. Simulates a start-up effort for the business with each learning component from the previous sessions reinforced in an active and intense practice.



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