Corporate College: Professional Development

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Certified Workplace Ready Certificate   

Instructors - Cynthia Ely, Barb Glassman, Will Wallace

Do you find it difficult to engage or navigate the workplace? Are you new(er) to the workplace and looking to better understand how to effectively behave and respond so that you are able to advance in your career of choice?

This certificate is specifically designed for “new / newer to the workforce” or under-skilled employees. The program is interactive, experiential and grounded in social and emotional awareness and effectiveness concepts. The series is steeped in proven and practical intra- and interpersonal skill building tools and techniques. Practice and reinforcement are accomplished in-session, through intersession assignments and applied behavioral coaching over a 10-week span.

Part 1 (two sessions):

  • Understanding Workplace Expectations Navigating the Workplace:
  • Topics include work style by generation, physical appearance, punctuality, common courtesy, basic communication, problem solving, and personal responsibility
My Professional Brand:
  • Topics include review of Someone I Admire assignment, characteristics of success, recognizing self, ethics and responsibilities.

Part 2 (three sessions):

  • Building Confidence
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Topics include dimensions of humanity, thoughts of those "different," appropriate and inappropriate behaviors, creating an inclusive environment.
  • Social and Emotional Awareness
  • Topics include self-awareness and self-regulation, motivation, social awareness, social regulation.
  • Social and Emotional Skill Building
  • -Topics include active listening, body language, intentions, responsibility, and self-care.

Part 3 (three sessions):

Planning for Success

Workplace Challenges and Stress

  • Topics include balancing life and work, time management, child care management, transportation management, decision-making skills, stress management, identifying and addressing conflict.
  • My Workplace Success Plan
  • Topics include development plans and commitments, accountability partners, coaching support planning, success sharing
  • Success Plan Progress
  • Topics include plan refinement, ongoing support plan and celebration

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