The next step in your rewarding health care career is here! This comprehensive LPN training and development program is designed to provide career advancement opportunities. Spanning 12 months and 1106 clinical, lab, and classroom hours, this program prepares students for the NCLEX-PN Exam for licensure, and a rewarding career as a Licensed Practical Nurse.
** The TEAS Test is a required part of the program. There is a TEAS Test Preparation class available to assist individuals in being successful with the entrance exam.
Application Requirements for the Licensed Practical Nursing Program
To View and Download LPN Application - Applications will be accepted again in August please check back as it gets closer for more information.
Attend a mandatory information session - Register for LPN Informational Workshop You will receive a copy of the application at the information session
High school transcript or GED transcript
Be at least 18 years old to obtain a New York State Practical Nursing license
Successfully pass TEAS test (reading, language, math, science)
If you have a hold with the College, you will not be able to register for the program. Please contact Student Accounts at 585-292-2015 to manage your hold.
Application Packet Requirements
Everything in your professional application packet to the program must be typed.
Completed application includes a letter of interest to the LPN Program
Provide a copy of high school transcript or GED transcript
Submit 2 letters of reference. They need to be professional references All must be emailed directly to Kelsey Klopfer Please make sure references put your name in the subject line
Provide TEAS test scores with minimal score of 41 on all four sections. All candidates who attain a Proficient score on all four sections are invited to continue to apply directly to the LPN program. Candidates that do not attain a Proficient on all four sections but attain a Basic score in any one of the four exams will be invited to attend a Clinical Bridge class to strengthen their academic.
All candidates must pass each of the four TEAS exams with a Basic score or higher
Complete an essay on why you should be selected for this program and why you would make a great LPN.
Complete the provided Health Release Form.
The Application Packet can be hand delivered or mailed to MCC Downtown Campus Healthcare Programs, 321 State Street, 6th Floor - 638, Rochester, NY 14608.
LPN Admission Ruberic (
Admission is based on the following criteria: TEAS test scores Review of submitted material Interview/consideration of experience in the field The admissions team of instructors, coaches, and administrator will consider the applicant’s TEAS test scores and the required documents in order to make the best selections for the program. Each student will be notified about acceptance in writing within 2 weeks of the submission deadline.
Preparing to Apply
Upon indicated interest, future applicants will be mailed information about the process of the entrance exam (TEAS 7) as well as resources to help prepare. Resources, such as a study guide and outline practice test (TEAS 7), can be purchased directly through the test company (ATI) at In addition, a TEAS test preparation course is also offered at MCC. To learn more visit TEAS Test Prep Workshops Series This is an optional course designed to improve reading comprehension, review scientific knowledge, and enhance math skill. Instruction in test taking strategies and effective study skills is also included. Taking this course does not guarantee placement in the LPN program.
Bridge Program
To better prepare students for the content and rigor of an LPN program, MCC offers a Clinical Bridge program for individuals who did not score proficient on the TEAS test, but successfully passed the TEAS test with a minimum score of 41 on all four test sections (Math, Science, Reading, and English Language). Throughout the four weeks (20 hours per week) prior to the start of the LPN program, students will gain a greater foundation in the content areas of Math, Science, and English, as well as study and test taking strategies. Students will get a feel for the structure and rigor of an LPN program to better inform their choice to enroll and their plan for success. Students must pass with an 80% or higher to be considered for enrollment in the LPN program.
Medical Clearance
(Health Release Form) Medical clearance must be obtained in order to participate in this training program. This immunizations/ blood work verification requirement is indicated on the authorized physical examination form and MUST be completed by a physician.
Tuition Payment/Costs
Currently, MCC has obtained grant funding for the TEAS test prep, the Clinical Bridge program, and most of the LPN program. The MCC Transforming Lives through Nursing Pathways project is funded by the U.S. Treasury Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds through a grant from the Monroe County American Rescue Plan Act Bring Monroe Back initiative. Applicant may also be required to apply for funding through RochesterWorks! or other outside funding entities. To be eligible, applicant will need to complete paperwork and follow up with Success Coaches.
For more information, contact the Healthcare Programs at 585-685-6287 or email,
Visit MCC Downtown Campus, 321 State Street, 6th Floor - Suite 638, Rochester NY 14608.